The Adriano Scholar for Excellence


General Information

Jeremy Adriano is offering the Adriano Scholar for Excellence, a scholarship designated for one student enrolled in private piano lessons at Jeremy Adriano Piano Studio. This scholarship covers September-April of private instruction with Jeremy Adriano. It specifically covers the cost of either a 30-minute or 60-minute lesson, depending on the student's age and skill level.


A. The student must prioritize piano study over other activities. 

B. A minimum of 2 hours (beginner), 3 hours(intermediate), or 4 hours(advance) of daily practice is required. The qualified applicant will have already demonstrated a level of playing that reflects this level of commitment.

C. Applicants should exhibit achievements suggesting potential for a career in music.

D. Preference will be given to a student who desire to have 2 lessons per week, effectively reducing their private tuition by 50% for more comprehensive training.

E. Preference will be given to a student with a proven track record of meeting the practice requirements. 

F. Applicants must show a positive attitude, willingness to learn, and ability to address feedback from lessons. 

G. A strong work ethic is essential for quick learning, assimilation, and memorization of repertoire. 

H. Each year, the student must learn, memorize, and perform a program including specific pieces from various musical eras:        

      1. Baroque


      3. Romantic



I. Punctuality for lessons is mandatory. 

J. Students must be available during the scheduled lesson hours. 

K. Student and parents are expected to have a respectful attitude toward the teacher.

L. Parents or guardians must attend all lessons and take notes.


Application Process

Provide a personal statement describing the following:

1. What music means to you

2. Explain your background and what your long-term career goals are

3. What your previous experience at Jeremy Adriano Piano Studio has meant to you (if applicable)

 The personal statement should consist of several paragraphs. The application may be completed by the parent(s) or guardian(s) if the student is in 8th grade or below.